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CKC Autoteknik
by Martin Bech
Trekanten 22
DK-3460 Birkerød
  Tel: +45 26143960
VAT Reg. No. DK 13 32 07 48
IBAN DK7430000007702299


The most sure way of getting in touch with me is by e-mail to

About CKC

CKC Autoteknik is a one-man business, selling spare parts for the older Citroëns - such as DS, GS(A), Visa, CX, 2CV, Ami, Dyane, Méhari and BX.

The stock consists mainly of parts bought in clearing-sales by former Citroën dealers. There a lot more in stock that is still not put in the catalogue on this site.

General terms

All prices are quoted in Danish Kroner (DKK), not including Danish VAT. If you are buying from outside of Denmark, and want to want pay VAT in your own country instead of Denmark, please don't order online, but send a mail about it to, indicating your local VAT number.

Freight/postage is not included in the prices, and will be added to the invoice. The amount is not calculated at order time, as I have not has the resources to enter all the relevant data. If you don't want me to send the goods, but rather have some other arrangement, please mail me about that, too.

Payment terms are 2 weeks net cash.

The spare parts sold here, are unused and in original packaging, unless otherwise indicated. The packaging may in some instances have been opened, and the parts can in some cases be in a condition consistent with long time storage - like dust or superficial rust.

You may return your purchase within 2 weeks, provided it is still in the shape and same packaging. In that case, you only have to pay the freight.

The pictures presented in the spare parts catalogue are taken by myself of an actual spare part in stock at some point in time, but the goods delivered may not be exactly idetical.

CKCs historie

Historien om mig og mine biler kan læses på denne site, og forklarer nogle af rødderne til min Citroën-entusiasme. Historien om den kommercielle del af foretagendet er i korte træk den at jeg sammen med to ligesindede grundlagde værkstedet Clinikken ved Lille Skensved i 1988. Ud over at lave reparationer på folks biler, organiserede vi også parallelimport af reservedele fra Frankrig. Det var før EU's indre marked og kunne i høj grad betale sig dengang.

Clinikken brændte imidlertid ned til grunden en trist vinterdag i starten af 1991, og så tog jeg til Frankrig og arbejdede som mekaniker hos Ets. Jean Blondeau, et Citroën-værksted i Paris, som allerede dengang havde fokus på DS og SM. Foretagendet hedder i dag Blondeau-DS og er kendt i vide Citroën-kredse for at have et stort udvalg af reservedele til alle de ældre modeller, især baseret på opkøb af restpartier.

Hjemme igen startede Clinikken forfra - nu som Clinikken ApS - og her var jeg med indtil sommeren 1994, hvor jeg trak mig ud og startede for mig selv som CKC Autoteknik. Navnet CKC står egentlig for Citrologisk Krise Center, men er primært valgt for at få en kort og enkel internetadresse